Lessons & Blessings

A conversation with Allen Hillery

Olushola Olojo
2 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Krisjanis Mezulis on Unsplash

As I reflect on what has been somewhat of a challenging but successful year, I take solace in the knowledge that I know I can weather the storm. Nothing in nature blooms all year round and you have to learn to take the rough with the smooth.

AH: What awesome lessons did you learn this year?

OO: The crisis is always coming, you’ll be fine.

Too often we tell ourselves that we’ll get started when things settle down. So we kick that conversation into next week. We kick that workout into next month. Our passion project can wait another year. In reality, life never slows down and we need to develop the mental framework of simply acting in spite of the turbulence. By doing something, life weighs more lightly and you’ll soon find yourself more able to move forward. Embrace the crisis, act, and you’ll be fine.

AH: What are you most thankful for this year?

OO: I am most thankful for the support my loved ones have given me.

This year was met with a lot of change, both in my professional career and personal life. As with any new environment, imposter syndrome starts to foster and becomes commonplace. It’s a slippery slope and it’s very easy for these self-defeating thoughts to leave you feeling like a fraud for not staying abreast of the change. In these moments, I often lean on the words of those who saw something in me when I couldn’t even see it myself. I’ve been most thankful for these individuals.

AH: What major things are you looking to accomplish in 2023?

OO: To continue to sail through the storm and leave the passage clear for those who follow.

Although public speaking is not my forte, I was fortunate enough to attend a few speaking engagements this past year where I had the opportunity to share my journey. In 2023, I would like to build on this and connect with more people. Breaking into data is tougher than ever and I sometimes wish I didn’t waste so much time chasing down pointless rabbit holes. I hope by sharing my experience, it will help others navigate this space.

In closing, I am excited to see what the new year has to offer as I continue to journey happily.

